Yebotech and Retail

Security and access control are critical in the retail sector

Get the Product into the Customer’s Hands as Quickly as Possible.

Finding an unobtrusive solution for securing stock in a retail environment is no easy task. You need to find a solution that secures the product without inconveniencing the customer. The problem is that traditional keys are a security nightmare; They can be used anonymously, they cannot be revoked if they are lost or stolen, and there is no easy way to prove which key was even used. Because of this, it's not always practical to give out keys to store assistants, which ultimately inconveniences the customer.

But there's an easier way! A way to give all customer assistants the keys they need to do their job better, resulting in closing more sales. An electronic access system makes it easy and practical to give every customer-interfacing employee the ability to properly assist the customers in their area, without waiting for keys to be fetched.

Stop stock shrinkage with a fully Auditable system

How does it work? Well, using our management software you can configure our electronic keys to work in precisely the way you need them to. Keys can be made to function only inside work hours, and can be assigned to assistants in a number of ways. All events in the system are audited, meaning that all key holders are accountable. The management website can be used to easily modify key and user access rights, as well as giving management a top-down overview of how keys and locks are being used. With auditability, store managers can focus on their own responsibilities, knowing all assistants are accountable for how the keys they carry are used.

Our digital locks are rugged, and don't require batteries or wiring. From cam locks in stores, to padlocks designed to withstand all weather, our locks can be deployed in and out of store - all under one system. This allows managers to manage the entire store, not just electronic locks in-store. Locks can serve as more than just locks, in our system they can also be used as proof-of-presence. Set up checkpoint routes, and get notifications when they are missed.


Need help deciding if our system is right for you?